When executed effectively, webinars can be the most powerful lead generation tool in the marketer's toolkit. Their unique blend of real-time, multi-sensory content, thought leadership and accessibility creates a content powerhouse that can easily surpass all other forms of digital media when measuring ROI.

By now, we all know "content is king", but that's only half the battle. Most marketers today are working in overdrive to cut through the "noise" online in their respective categories to get their content in front of the right audiences and spark engagement with their content.

So how can we push the envelope to surpass our growth goals? In this webinar, we'll explore the ways to optimize your promotional strategy and leverage webinar features that increase engagement so you can maximize your lead generation efforts and maximize your return. Specifically, we'll discuss:

- Tips for creating a high-converting webinar landing page

- Ways to effectively incentivize your audience to register for and attend your webinars

- Partnership opportunities to tap into new audiences

And more!
Hannah Scherer
VP, Marketing and Partnerships at BigMarker
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