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Join Lindsey Pollak, New York Times bestselling author and multigenerational workplace expert, as she equips you with the tools to guide students through today’s tech-driven job market. In this exclusive session, you’ll gain practical strategies for helping students leverage AI and emerging technologies to navigate the hiring process with confidence. Lindsey’s insights will empower you to bridge the gap between education and employment, ensuring your students are prepared to thrive in the modern workforce.

Join us for a relaxed, interactive 30-minute fireside chat where you can ask Lindsey your questions and get personalized advice. It’s designed to fit into your busy day, offering a quick way to connect, learn, and take away practical tips you can use right away.
Multigenerational Workplace Expert
Meet Lindsey Pollak, a multigenerational workplace expert, as she discusses generational diversity in the workplace at the NCAA Make It Yours Convention. Lindsey positions the topic in a way that brings positivity to light as we begin to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lindsey works to shift our lens from all the negatives that we’ve been talking about to potential solutions. For the first time in history, there are 5 generations in the workplace – Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Generation Z, and Millennials and Generation Z are now the majority. Despite being a youth-driven future, there has been plenty of pushback against these generations, especially in our media. This is where Lindsey’s expertise in the multigenerational workplace comes into focus as she guides her audience on the ways to effectively build relationships across all age groups in a multigenerational workplace.

A New York Times bestselling author, her most recent book is a response to the Covid crisis: Recalculating: Navigate Your Career Through the Changing World of Work. Lindsey has also authored several books ranging from workplace management to career advice for young professionals: Getting From College to Career, Becoming the Boss and The Remix: How to Lead and Succeed in the Multigenerational Workplace.
Innovation and Technology Consultant | Moderator
Jeff Beavers has accumulated over 25 years of experience spanning campus recruiting, career services, and educational technology software systems. He has held roles at University of Illinois, Michigan State University, GE, Whirlpool Corp, AbbVie, and Yello. Currently, as an independent consultant, Jeff drives innovation in career services and talent acquisition. He also leads a 4-year USAID project in Africa, overseeing the launch of career centers at universities across Mozambique to support workforce and economic development.​