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About This Webinar

Who’s the best candidate for a promotion? How do you spot these potential leaders and single them out for advancement? As a leader yourself, knowing how to answer these questions is a vital part of your role in the fire service.

Being able to run a fire is just one part of being a leader in this industry. Tactical decision-making is important, but it’s rarely the issue behind internal leadership failures. So why do we focus on developing and promoting this one aspect of leadership above all others? When leaders don’t know how to make wise non-tactical decisions, the whole system suffers.

Promoting the right people begins with developing Leaders of Character. This principle utilizes the West Point character development model, which prepares future leaders to make wise and trustworthy choices no matter what challenges they face. This webinar will give you the tools to spot, target, and nurture the strongest possible leaders within your organization, allowing you to separate “the best from the rest” while navigating the promotion process.

By the end of the session, you’ll:

• Have a strategy for fostering internal mentorship and development opportunities for the future leaders of your department
• Understand the Six Habits of Character and how to embed them into every rank
• Know the questions and the answers to critical questions that will help you make the best possible promotion decisions
• & more!

When: Monday, September 23, 2024 · 1:00 p.m. · Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Duration: 1 hour
Language: English
Who can attend? Everyone
Dial-in available? (listen only): Yes
Dial-in Number: Please register for this Webinar to view the dial-in info.
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Owner, Firefighters of Character
Dave Anderson, MBA, is the founder of Leaders of Character and its fire service-specific initiative, Firefighters of Character. He is a West Point graduate, decorated combat veteran, and has spent two decades working with Fortune 50 companies. He is also the author of the bestselling book Becoming a Leader of Character.
Webinar hosting presenter
Vice President, Great Lakes Division of the IAFC
Michael Stanley has been the Chief of the Oshkosh (WI) Fire Department since 2018. Prior to that he served 22 years with Aurora (CO) Fire Rescue. Mike has received the Chief Fire Officer designation from the Center for Public Safety Excellence, possesses a Master of Education and Human Resources degree from Colorado State University and is the Past President for the Wisconsin State Fire Chiefs Association and the Vice President of the Great Lakes Division of the International Association of Fire Chiefs. He is an experienced educator having presented locally, nationally, and internationally.
Hosted By
International Association of Fire Chiefs webinar platform hosts A Different Way of Preparing People for Promotion-Focus on Character
The International Association of Fire Chiefs represents the leadership of over 1.2 million firefighters and emergency responders. IAFC members are the world's leading experts in firefighting, emergency medical services, terrorism response, hazardous materials spills, natural disasters, search and rescue, and public safety legislation. Since 1873, the IAFC has provided a forum for its members to exchange ideas and uncover the latest products and services available to first responders.