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Planting the Seeds of Algebra

About This Webinar

Children of today, leaders of tomorrow, will use technological tools that far exceed our imagination. This reality begs the question: What is our purpose in teaching computation, for instance, when already-existing tools can compute, solve or simulate faster and more efficiently than we?” Recent standards for mathematics in many countries have answered the question by raising the bar for parents and teachers alike: our greater purpose for teaching elementary mathematics is to develop algebraic thinking, or better yet, deep mathematical thinking. This talk will give concrete examples of what this looks like, sounds like and feels like in grades K through 6, which teachers will be able to use with their students in the weeks to follow. Once you have seen the powerful bridges from elementary mathematics to higher mathematics, you will never look at odd and even numbers, subtraction, division, equality and other topics in the same way again...and your students will be forever empowered!

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: 935eb9c3a3b5
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Monica Neagoy
Monica Neagoy is an author, international consultant, and popular keynote speaker with a contagious passion for mathematics. In addition to writing books, her 25-year mathematics career has included teacher professional development, math specialist training, live television courses, video creation, math app conception, and live math shows, such as MathMagic. Whether in the United States, Europe, or elsewhere; whether presenting in English, French, or Spanish; whether working with teachers, parents, or students, Dr. Neagoy’s lifelong goal has been to cultivate and inspire a fascination for the beauty, power, and wonder of mathematics.
Dr. Neagoy’s mathematical expertise spans grades preK through 12. After creating more than 50 videos for high school–level mathematics—including video series for Discovery Education and The Annenberg Channel—over the past decade, she has focused on grades preK–8. She’s convinced that if a child enters middle school disenchanted with mathematics, the probability of rekindling a love for mathematics is slim.
Having begun her teaching career in the Georgetown University Mathematics Department and then serving as program director at the National Science Foundation, Dr. Neagoy’s knowledge of higher mathematics enables her to empower teachers and parents to appreciate the bridges from early concrete mathematics to advanced mathematics. She is the author of two books on Early Algebra published by Corwin Press (https://us.corwin.com ) entitled Planting the Seeds of Algebra, PreK–2 (2012) and Planting the Seeds of Algebra, 3–5 (2014), and of a brand new book on Fractions co-published by ASCD (http://www.ascd.org ) and NCTM (http://www.nctm.org) entitled Unpacking Fractions: Classroom-Tested Strategies to Build Students’ Mathematical Understanding (2017).
Presently living in Paris, France, giving talks and offering professional development throughout Europe and the United States, she is the director and lead author of the elementary mathematics textbook series entitled Maths, Méthode de Singapour, a brand new adaptation of Singapore Mathematics to the latest French math standards published by http://www.lalibrairiedesecoles.com. Finally, she collaborates with two Israeli math colleagues, Zvi Shalem and Gali Shimoni, in the conception and creation of original and exciting math apps (http://www.apps4math.com ). Read more about Dr. Neagoy’s work on her website: http://www.monicaneagoy.com

Most recently: was a member of the Math Commission appointed by the Minister of education of France to make recommendations on the improvement of math education in France. Report submitted Feb 12, 2018.
Webinar hosting presenter GMD Host Coordinator - Leigh Nataro
Host Coordinator
I am a mother, wife and math teacher. I currently teach at Moravian College in Bethlehem, PA and my favorite class to teach is statistics! This is my 27th year of teaching and I am a Desmos fellow and Desmos certified presenter. @mathteacher24 is my twitter handle and I blog at mathteacher24.blogspot.com. I have several tech related videos for stat and TI-NSpire at www.youtube.com/mathteacher24. Feel free to ask me questions about National Board Certification (renewed in 2015). I also enjoy singing, reading and staying fit using workouts from Beachbody (P90X3/TurboFire/21DFX).
Webinar hosting presenter S Hedge
I'm a K-12 math coach, former middle/high school teacher, and eternal math/tech nerd.
Hosted By
Global Math Department webinar platform hosts Planting the Seeds of Algebra
The Global Math Department began as a group of teachers who knew each other through Twitter, math education blogs and Twitter Math Camp. Since 2012 The Global Math Department community has grown into a multi-faceted group of math educators who love to share their ideas related to teaching and learning mathematics. We recognize that as educators we are charged with promoting equity and access within mathematics instruction. In addition, we believe it is crucial that teachers be provided with quality resources and ideas that they can use immediately with their students. Lively and friendly conversations in our weekly webinars encourage all participants to share and continue to grow as educators.
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