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ICM Live Web Class - Conquering Codependency - Week 1

About This Webinar

Conquering Codependency

Presented by Dr. Sandrew Wright

This 6-week course will be presented by the International College of Ministry.

Classes begin on Tuesday, March 4th, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern / 7:00 p.m. Central.

Please Note Class Dates:

Week 1 - March 4th , 2025
Week 2 - March 11th , 2025
Week 3 - March 18th , 2025
Week 4 - March 25th , 2025
Week 5 - April 1st , 2025
Week 6 - April 8th , 2025

Each Live Web Class is approximately 60 minutes in length.

You are cordially invited to ICM's next six-week webinar series Conquering Codependency taught by ICM Graduate, Dr. Sandrew Wright.

This six-week series is an International College of Ministry course for Christian Counseling majors, as well as Life Coaching and Ministry electives.

This course is designed to provide a transformative journey towards freedom from codependency, rooted in the teachings of Christ. Codependency, often characterized by an excessive reliance on others for approval and identity, can hinder spiritual growth and personal well-being.

Through biblical principles, practical exercises, and supportive community engagement, participants will learn to identify and break free from unhealthy relational patterns.

The course will cover topics such as understanding the nature of codependency, recognizing its impact on relationships, and exploring the role of faith in fostering healthy boundaries.

With a focus on scriptural guidance, students will delve into passages emphasizing self-worth, God's unconditional love, and the importance of fostering interdependent rather than codependent relationships.

By the end of the course, individuals will be equipped with the tools to build healthier, Christ-centered relationships, embracing their God-given identity and purpose.

Join us on this empowering journey to conquer codependency and experience the fullness of life that God intends for you.

Teacher BIO

Dr. Sandrew Wright II refers to himself as a "Treacher." Dr. Sandrew is a Spirit-filled teacher and preacher who has boldly declared God's Word since childhood. He is a proud FSU alumnus who holds a Doctorate in Ministry and another Christian Counseling from the International College of Ministry. He and his wife, Dr. Jenna, currently serve at Seven Rivers Church.

Dr. Sandrew is also an erudite Christian Counselor and has been counseling Pastorally since 2014.

Dr. Sandrew is known as "The Counselor to Counselors" or the "Pastor's Counselor". Dr Sandrew has counseled and consulted pastors from various walks of life and denominations for over a decade.

Dr. Sandrew has also preached internationally at crusades in Central America and Europe. Gifted with a heavy apostolic and prophetic anointing, Dr. Sandrew is dedicated to making the Word Plain and Practical.

Please help us spread the word about this series, as it is open to anyone. Students, however, are required to pay a $25 registration fee to receive course credit.

Don’t delay - register now. Be sure and tell a friend about this special series. There are a limited number of spaces available so please register as soon as possible.

We look forward to seeing you online.


International College of Ministry

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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Webinar hosting presenter ICM College
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The International College of Ministry is recognized by the Florida Department of Education as a religious school granting degrees including Associates, Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate. We are an equipping, training, and activating program for all Christians in the full counsel of the Word of God. We are a place wherein students learn to interpret scripture hermeneutically, hearing the heart of the author, the Holy Spirit. We are an institution that advances the Kingdom of God by equipping believers and releasing them into their God-given calling.
Webinar hosting presenter Dr. Ray Self
President - International College of Ministry
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ICM College's Community webinar platform hosts ICM Live Web Class - Conquering Codependency - Week 1
ICM College is a non-resident learning center recognized by the Florida Department of Education as a religious school granting degrees including Associates, Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate.