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I dette onlinekursus lærer du alt om YONA! Vajacial by YONA i trin til professionel behandling. Alt teoretisk viden om produkterne, hvordan du implementerer dem i dine behandlinger, og hvordan du introducerer dem til dine kunder.
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video Video
7 min 24 sec
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1. How many customers do a clinic get on average for intimate waxing?
  • 10-20%
  • 15-35%
  • 25-50%
2. Is YONA only developed for professional treatment or also home care?
  • Only Home care line
  • Only professional line
  • Yona is both a profesional line with home care products for best result.
3. Why is Yona been developed?
  • Because women need some products for the face after hair removal
  • To provide a treatment specific for the skin problems and conditions in the intimate areas after hair removal
  • For all stubborn hair type to not break
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video Video
4 min 23 sec
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1. Who is the treatment intended for?
  • For anyone who wants to care for the intimate area, especially after hair removal or skin problems in the area
  • Only for women receiving intimate waxing
  • For anyone with facial skin problems
2. Where do the name Vajacial come from?
  • From YONI
  • From Facial & vagina
  • It´s just something Perron Rigot made up
3. Why do we need to be more aware of the intimate area in a treatment?
  • Because this area has another ph value that we need to keep in balance.
  • Because it is a private area
  • You do not need to be more aware in this area, it is like everything else.
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video Video
8 min 46 sec
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1. Which issues is this treatment working on?
  • Ingrown hair, irritation, imperfection, itching, bumps, pigmentation
  • Can't fix any problems
  • Dehydration
2. Are the products plant and vegan based?
  • Yes!
  • No
  • Only some of them
3. How many professional masks are available?
  • 4 different
  • Only one that fits everyone
  • 2 different for soothing or perfecting effect
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video Video
9 min 59 sec
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1. Can this treatment be implemented to your intimate wax or sugar treatment?
  • Of course it can, this is what it is designed for
  • No, you need to make it as a treatment for it self
  • This is only for home care treatment
2. Can you use devices for intimate treatments?
  • Yes you can, for a deeper and more active treatment, but it's not necessary for results, just a reinforcement.
  • No, you can't do that in the intimate area, it's far too active.
  • Yes, it's the whole treatment, otherwise you won't get any results.
3. Can you make Vajacial by YONA as an express treatment?
  • No you need to do the whole treatment for a result
  • Yes, there are different options to implement the treatment to the menu.
  • No it is a treatment to stand alone
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video Video
8 min 20 sec
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1. How many products is included in the home care line?
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
2. How many time a week, do you use Micro-peeling Foam?
  • only one a week
  • 2-3 times a week
  • every day
3. Can you use the Perfecting mask for both men and women?
  • Yes, it has an opening so it fits perfectly on both male and female genitals
  • No, only for women
  • No, just for the face on women
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video Video
5 min 20 sec
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1. Can all in the salon get educated in the treatment and products?
  • Yes, in the app
  • No, only for the one that own the salon
  • It doesn't matter
2. How do the customers know about this new treatment?
  • SoMe, newsletter, treatment menu, free first treatment
  • Open the door and shout it out
  • Customers will know
3. Why do you need to add it to you treatment menu?
  • So customers can see what this treatment is about and get interested in it.
  • Don't do it
  • You can just say it, don't add it to the treatment menu
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video Video
5 min 3 sec
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1. Can you get a display for the home care products?
  • Yes, a beautiful display for all the products
  • Nope!
  • Make your own
2. Can you find pictures and video to promote the treatment?
  • Yes, under downloads when you log on the website
  • No, you need to make everyting yourself
  • Don't think so
3. Are the products with clean formulations?
  • No, not at all
  • Ask your mother
  • Yes, they are with natural and vegan ingredients
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