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About This Webinar

HFL Advisors Ltd are honored to sponsor the KLF Sohn Hong Kong conference as proud supporters of the Karen Leung Foundation. Since 2013, KLF has made a tremendous impact on empowering women in Hong Kong in the management of gynecological cancers by:

• raising the awareness of both the disease and the importance of prevention and early detection;
• developing a program to increase the uptake of the HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer; and
• ensuring that women in treatment have access to optimal care through the partnership with the Haven of Hope Holistic Care Centre.

This sponsorship is a small part of HFL’s commitment to assist KLF in its mission to reduce the impact of gynecological cancers in Hong Kong and save lives.”

Language: English
Who can attend? Everyone
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Create Productions webinar platform hosts HFL Advisors Limited
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