Pleiad Investment Advisors was established to offer an absolute-return oriented equity investment strategy focused on fundamental bottom-up stock picking with a geographic focus on Asia. Its first fund, Pleiad Asia Master Fund, is a pan-Asia equity long-short fund and was launched on September 1st, 2014. On November 1st, 2019, the Firm launched its second fund, Pleiad Asia Equity Master Fund, a Pan-Asia equity long-only fund.
The Firm’s name “Pleiad” comes from the word “Pleiades”, a cluster of stars in constellation of Taurus, which also means a brilliant group of persons or things. As the Pleiades stars rising at dawn heralded the planting and sailing seasons, they were a good omen in the myths and legends of almost every culture on the planet. In Japan, the stars are known as “Subaru”, a symbol of unity and teamwork, and the name “Pleiad” was chosen to express the Firm’s desire to create a culture of teamwork and collaboration - and to shine brighter as a team, rather than to be just a group of bright individuals.