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China Trade Mission - Delegate Briefing

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Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: f3d640fffd89
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Marina Oeyangen
Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCI) is an association of 180 leading Canadian suppliers to the nuclear industry in Canada and foreign markets. OCI companies employ more than 10,000 highly skilled and specialized engineers, technologists and trades people who design reactors, manufacture major equipment and components, and provide engineering services and support to CANDU nuclear power plants in Canada as well as to CANDU and Light Water Reactor (LWR) plants in offshore markets. OCI promotes the continued and expanded use of nuclear energy in Canada and supports member companies in both domestic and international nuclear markets
Hosted By
OCI webinar platform hosts China Trade Mission - Delegate Briefing
Marina Oeyangen's conferences and webinars