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Title: Can the Church Reach the Post-Christian Culture?

About This Webinar

This webinar is an introduction to and information about the Rethinking Outreach and Discipleship (ROD) training. ROD examines that issues that the church faces in remaining relevant in a culture that has rejected the church as the moral authority of our community. It challenges church to examine the attitudes and actions that shape how it "does church". It takes a hard look at the paradigms that define the church and determine its continued effectiveness. This webinar gives a preview of some of the content is covered in the workshop.

  • • How do we grow the Kingdom of God if people won't come to church?
  • • Why and how do we need to rethink our approach to outreach and discipleship in today's increasingly apathetic or even hostile toward God society? 
  • • How do we connect with people who label Jesus Christ as irrelevant in their life?
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Donation
Webinar ID: 975ebe5d18b8
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Jason Perry
Visionary Leader
JASON PERRY is an experienced minister, author and teacher. For 30 years he has served the church and kingdom of God in a wide variety of capacities including youth pastor, SS teacher, deacon, elder, campus youth leader with Youth For Christ, interim pastor, youth pastor, associate pastor, and church planter. He has served in several national-level leadership roles addressing issues surrounding youth, mentoring and leadership development. Pastor Perry possesses extensive experience both nationally and internationally as a conference and retreat speaker.

• Featured Speaker for the Association of Christian Schools International Educator Conferences
• Instructor at Porter-Billups Leadership Institute
• Instructor at Christian Institute for Developing Altruistic Leaders
• Director for Eagles Mentoring Program
• Lead Trainer for DC/LA Super Conferences
• Lead Trainer for Generation 21 Leadership Conference – Nairobi, Kenya
• National Urban Director for Emerging Young Leaders
• National Staff Trainer for Emerging Young Leaders – Bangalore, India
• Conductor of 6 International Project Purity Tours (Africa, India, Grenada)
• Master’s Degree from Trinity International University

Pastor Perry writes, “I have been blessed deeply by the church and I have been hurt just as deeply. I understand both the mountain high and valley low of leadership. For that reason, I have a deep passion for empowering and encouraging pastors and ministry leaders for staying true to their call for the long haul of the ministry journey.” Currently, Pastor Perry serves the Living Springs Community Church (Glenwood, IL) as the Pastor of Outreach and Discipleship. He is also the founder and president of Oak Tree Leadership. Originally from Hopkins Park, IL, he now lives in Flossmoor, IL with his wife of 26 years, Sharon, and their two children.
Hosted By
Oak Tree Leadership webinar platform hosts Title: Can the Church Reach the Post-Christian Culture?
Oak Tree Leadership's mission empowering leaders who are leading for a change. Leaders who are leading, not following and leaders who expect transformation, not just information.
Registered (10)
Attended (8)