Thank you for your interest!

This webinar provides an opportunity for Florida Keys community members and other stakeholders to ask questions about the proposed Florida Keys Mosquito Control District (FKMCD) pilot project of Oxitec's Aedes aegypti male mosquitoes.

Registration is required and you are invited to submit questions in advance to florida@oxitec.com or during the live event. Depending on the volume received, questions may be grouped together to enable as many as possible to be answered during the webinar.

The webinar is anticipated to last for three hours. If all questions have been answered before three hours have been taken, the event will close, but Oxitec will remain open to any and all questions at florida@oxitec.com.

This webinar is primarily intended as an opportunity for Florida Keys community members to ask questions of Oxitec, FKMCD and independent experts.

PLEASE NOTE: We will not read statements from participants intended to cause confusion or otherwise disrupt the workshop or the panelists, and Oxitec reserves the right to screen out questions that are intended to make false, misleading or inflammatory statements.

In the unlikely event we exceed 1,000 registrants and individuals cannot register, questions may be emailed to florida@oxitec.com and a member of the team will respond after the live event.

PLEASE NOTE: This webinar is not intended as a forum for making personal statements. That can be done at FKMCD Board Meetings or via email to questions@keysmosquito.org. If you require closed captioning please notify FKMCD via email to questions@keysmosquito.org and this will be provided after the live event.
  • Meeting Introduction
  • Presentation (~20 mins)
  • Panel Introduction (~20 mins)
  • Q&A (~2 hrs 20 mins)
  • Close at 8pm local time (or upon completion of Q&A session)