Using visibility and intelligence to secure your organisation from cyber threats
Most companies don’t know they’ve had a security breach until it’s too late – in fact we’ve seen some organisations that have spent over 250 days with someone on their network, before they’re attacked.
Christmas is a notoriously rife time for security breaches and attempted hacks, as organisations are seen to have less resource available; we’ve even seen government announcements warning organisations about breaches over national holidays.
It’s no secret there are a lack of skills and resource in IT departments. So many companies often have little to no visibility or intelligence of what's going on, especially with people on leave over the festive break.
Join us as we explore the most common challenges organisations face, and why simply implementing security tools such as SIEM platforms, isn’t the solution.
Tim Simons, our Head of Security will be joined by fellow security experts from Proact and the industry, as we decipher how to use intelligence to provide tangible outcomes from your visibility:
• The need for human skills to overlay security programmes
• Using intelligence analysts to reduce risks in your IT environment
• The real cost of a data breach
• Case studies
• Proact 3-phase approach: Entry, Visibility, Recovery
And much more… we’re just can’t tell you yet for security reasons
66% of SMEs experienced a cyberattack in 2020 – make sure your organisation is ready for when this happens.
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