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SEETA Research Project Stage 2 'How do I analyse my data ?'

About This Webinar

This is the 5th of the training webinar series that SEETA is offering to all the participants of the individual stage of the SEETA Small-scale Teacher-led Research Project. In this webinar we will discuss data analysis procedures; ways in examining relations and displaying data; examples of quantitative and qualitative data analysis.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: c67769ee7847
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter SEETA COMMUNITY
Seeta Online Community
South Eastern Europe Teachers Associations
Webinar hosting presenter Zarina Markova
I work at the South-West University in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. I am involved in both pre-service and in-service teacher training.
Webinar hosting presenter Anna Parisi
SEETA Community Coordinator.
Webinar hosting presenter Desmond Thomas
I work at the University of Essex in the UK as a lecturer and TESOL Teacher Trainer. Much of the work that I do is with experienced teachers who are taking a break from their career and developing their skills as researchers.
Hosted By
SEETA  Community webinar platform hosts SEETA Research Project Stage 2 'How do I analyse my data ?'
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Attended (18)