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SEETA Research Project webchat and call for papers

About This Webinar

This webchat will answer your questions and help you move on with your research project.
We will also explain to you how you can start now ( it's never too late !) .

Finally, we'll give you information about the SEETA online research conference co-organised by the IATEFL Electronics Committee on 2-3 December 2016. The presenters in this conference will be

  • Help and ideas to finish your research project
  • Help and ideas on how to get started now
  • SEETA /IATEFL El.Com. online conference , 2-3 DEcember 2016 : How to be a presenter
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: 1452c249a839
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter SEETA COMMUNITY
Seeta Online Community
South Eastern Europe Teachers Associations
Webinar hosting presenter Zarina Markova
I work at the South-West University in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. I am involved in both pre-service and in-service teacher training.
Webinar hosting presenter Desmond Thomas
I work at the University of Essex in the UK as a lecturer and TESOL Teacher Trainer. Much of the work that I do is with experienced teachers who are taking a break from their career and developing their skills as researchers.
Webinar hosting presenter Anna Parisi
SEETA Community Coordinator.
Hosted By
SEETA  Community webinar platform hosts SEETA Research Project webchat and call for papers
Welcome to SEETA Community
Attended (17)