The rise in publicly available AI technologies has driven a surge in phishing campaigns targeting customer of financial institutions, particularly those that rely heavy on OTP based authentication.
Whilst the MO is a well understood problem, there have traditionally been limitations to the economies of scale for criminals and therefore attacks have been relatively intermittent and haven’t featured heavily as sole ATO loss drivers - that is until now.
In this session, Callsign will delve into how this threat is evolving, the techniques they have helped their clients adopt to combat this threat and the metrics of success they are achieving with Callsign.
Here's what you'll learn:
Uncover the authenticators most vulnerable to AI phishing attacks.
The authentication methods that are growing in popularity to tackle ATO at the point of payment.
Techniques that security teams are deploying to retain control and provide an accurate service to enabling downstream fraud teams in combating ATO at the point of payment.
The techniques that Callsign have helped clients adopt to combat this growing threat whilst sharing some of the metrics of success they have achieved with Callsign.
PJ guides the strategic roadmap. He leverages a strong understanding of the fraud ecosystem, both provider and end-user, and informs feature development. He speaks, engages and educates folks on relevant fraud trends and strategies, while...
Chris is an experienced financial crime consultant with expertise in designing and delivering fraud prevention and authentication solutions. With a passion for using analytics to deliver value for customers, Chris leads the Solution Consulting...