With the approaching retirement of the International Space Station (ISS), NASA has contracted several commercial companies to develop orbital facilities that will fulfill the need for a wide range of research and business activities in space.

In this episode, we will focus on NASA’s three contracted space station development partners – Axiom Space’s Axiom Hab One, Blue Origin’s Orbital Reef, and Voyager Space’s Starlab. Guest speakers will explain the design approach for all three systems, and compare and contrast deployment schedules, program costs, and capabilities in a discussion that maps out commercial space industry opportunities in a post-ISS world.

60-minute webinar
Jeffrey Hill
Executive Editor, Via Satellite
David Barnhart
CEO and Co-Founder, Arkisys
David Barnhart is currently CEO and Co-Founder of Arkisys Inc, a Research Professor in the Department of Astronautical Engineering at USC, and the Director/Co-Founder of the USC Space Engineering Research Center at the Information Sciences Institute (ISI).

At Arkisys he is leading a team to break through to true commercial operations in space with a unique scaleable business platform called The Port. Arkisys recognizes best in class companies in key functional areas required to provide a long duration stable platform with manipulation, arrival and departure capabilities, and power/data/control for commercial business to operate in space with no prior experience. The Port provides operational realization for commercial companies to build their business on assembly, manufacturing, new concept test in power/propulsion/pharmaceuticals/biologics, all with the goal to accelerate Global innovation into Space.

At USC David has specialized in developing innovative technologies and architectures for 2nd generation space morphologies, rendezvous and proximity operations technologies/techniques, and hands-on projects with students, faculty and staff through an “engineering teaching hospital” construct. Over 250 students have graduated through the SERC’s hands on training capabilities and every summer hosts US and international student interns. SERC has supported multiple spacecraft engineering efforts including launching USC’s first satellites in its history, technical analysis for global standards development in commercial rendezvous and servicing missions (CONFERS), created a re-usable multi-purpose Lunar Lander prototype project, and building technologies in space robotics and separable interfaces for small satellites to be tested on the ISS in 2023.

David has served as a senior space Project Manager at DARPA, pioneering cellular spacecraft morphologies, satbotics, space robotics and low cost high volume manufacturing on the Phoenix and SeeMe projects. He represented the first DARPA space project at the United Nations COPUOS in Vienna Austria addressing new technology pushing the need for updates to space regulations and policy issues for next generation missions.

David’s entrepuenerial ventures helped initiate two commercial space companies; co-founding and serving as Vice President and CFO for Millennium Space Systems in Los Angeles CA (now a Boeing Co subsidiary); and was the youngest elected member of a three-person international Executive Management board for a German startup in Bremen, Vanguard Space, one of the first companies working commercial spacecraft servicing.

David started his career as a civilian for the Air Force Research Labs spending over 13 years helping to birth several notable innovations in micro-miniature electronic technologies, micro-chemical/electric propulsion systems, some of the first small satellites for remote observations, and the first independent RPO missions. David has a Bachelors from Boston University and Master of Engineering from Virginia Tech both in Aerospace and Ocean engineering. He has published over 60 research papers and articles and speaks on 2nd generation space technologies nationally and internationally.
Mike Greenley
CEO, MDA Space
Since taking MDA Space public in 2021, Mr. Greenley has championed an ambitious strategy to shape MDA Space into a highly competitive pure-play space company focused on next-generation commercial space technologies that has seen the company double in size. A centerpiece of that strategy is to invest in and advance the company’s digital satellite technologies and manufacturing capabilities to enable the industry shift from analog to digital – advances that helped to more than double the company’s order backlog.

In 2023, Mike and the MDA Space Satellite Systems team elevated MDA’s position as a satellite market leader with several significant and strategic moves, including two global constellation wins, a strategic acquisition, and the launch of a game-changing digital satellite product line, while simultaneously expanding MDA’s high-volume manufacturing capabilities and operational footprint.

In March 2024, Mike was named Via Satellite Magazine’s Executive of the Year for his accomplishments in 2023.
Jeffrey Manber
President, International and Space Stations, Voyager Space
Jeffrey Manber is President of International and Space Stations at Voyager Space. He also serves as Chairman of the Board for Nanoracks.

Jeffrey is the Co-Founder and first employee of Nanoracks. He served as the Chief Executive Officer from 2009 until 2021 where he broke barriers for access to space and oversaw the growth of numerous commercial International Space Station programs. Jeffrey also directed the development of the Bishop Airlock, the first and only commercial airlock on the space station.

As the only American to ever work officially for the Russian space program, Mr. Manber served as Managing Director of Energia USA, the American arm of RSC Energia. In 1991, he negotiated and executed the first commercial contract between NASA and the NPO Energia in the Soviet Union to use the Soyuz crewed capsule as an escape vehicle for Space Station Freedom. Later, Mr. Manber represented the Energia in contract negotiations to construct and operate the International Space Station.

As CEO of MirCorp, he leased the Russian space station “Mir” and oversaw the first ever commercially funded 70-day crewed mission. His experience developing the business base for Mir and on the International Space Station, paved the way Nanoracks to grow into a commercial space station company.

Jeffrey also co-developed the first fund dedicated to commercial space on Wall Street with Shearson Lehman. He has served as an advisor to numerous space companies and governments. The author of three books, his second Selling Peace, chronicles his time working with the Russian space program. In 2012, Jeffrey was awarded the NASA Exceptional Public Achievement Medal and the Space Frontier Foundation’s 2017 Pioneer of New Space Award.
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