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HIL Water Quality Devices

About This Webinar

This webinar topic will be dedicated to stormwater filtration devices for new development sites in NY. Hydro-international brings their own NYSDEC approved devices that provides a unique portfolio of features and benefits to engineers and designers. This webinar will help connect the dots between the design features of the HIL Up-Flo Filter and the NYSDEC regulations on proprietary filter devices.

The attendance of this webinar will provide one (1) professional development hour (PDH). Each attendee will need to register for this webinar using the link on this webinar registration page. The attendance role for this webinar will be archived and provided in the event an attendee is audited by the NYS Education Department for their Professional Engineering continuing education program. A certificate of completion will be provided to each attendee during the webinar for their own records.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
HIL Regional Sales Manager
Hosted By
Attended (72)