Trademark attorneys are generally aware that the unusual "federally illegal/state legal” landscape of the cannabis industry in the United States has resulted in significant complications for companies applying for federal trademark registrations. However, there are ways to legally obtain federal trademark registrations to protect cannabis companies and brands. Join Dykema Gossett attorney Rachael Dickson—who specialized in cannabis trademark registrations while working as a trademark examiner at the USPTO—to hear about the USPTO’s current policies toward cannabis trademarks and strategies for obtaining protection. Topics will include:
* Dazed but mostly confused: cannabis legality in the United States
* A growing field: cannabis trademark applications at the USPTO
* In the weeds: marijuana and the CSA
* Now I know my CBDs: hemp and the FDCA
* Budding areas: Delta-8 THC and psychedelics
* Breaking the grass ceiling: how the USPTO may handle future federal legalization
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