Recent appellate court decisions have invalidated longstanding trade dress registrations, raising questions about trade dress vulnerabilities. However, despite the precedent of _TrafFix_ and these decisions, there are still ways to acquire robust trade dress rights. In this webinar, Banner Witcoff partner Rich Stockton will walk you through recent trade dress decisions and arm you with strategies to help clients obtain, maintain, and enforce robust trade dress rights. In particular, he'll cover:
* Origins and requirements of US trade dress
* _TrafFix_ and other key Supreme Court precedents
* Several recent decisions about invalidity and trade dress
* Strategies for navigating trade dress vulnerabilities

Everyone who’s registered for this webinar will receive an email with a link to the recording.

This webinar is pending CLE approval for 1 hour in 60-minute states and up to 1.12 hours in 50-minute states. For more information about CLE credit for Alt Legal events, including whether your state qualifies, check out this page: https://www.altlegal.com/cle-information/
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Hosted By Alt Legal Community

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