You are probably thinking 1 of 2 things.......1. Of course ghosts are very real......OR 2. No way. Ghosts don't really exist.
I've had some scary, unexplained experiences with the paranormal. Lucky for me I also have the ability to hear my Higher Voice that explains to me what is going on while it's happening. Sometimes after it happens and I can collect myself enough to ask.
From being pushed by invisible forces, to thing falling off shelves, disembodied voices, and possession, I've been around the block.
No matter what you believe I'm going to share with you my description, and experiences with "ghost" activity.
The difference between a Poltergeist, a Ghost, and Spirit.
PLUS I'm going to share some ways in which I clear the energy of my home to prevent any weird energy things from wreaking havoc in my space!
Many people are afraid to talk about the unexplained. I invite you to join me today to dispel some fear and become empowered with knowledge.
Much Love & Light,