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Just Let Go

About This Webinar

As you all know, I like to talk about what is relevant to my life. What is happening, how I'm feeling, and how I handle different energies that float in and out of my life.

I'm back in Grand Rapids Michigan for a while, and living the life I have had for the last 2 years, has been the most challenging in the area of letting go of attachment and relationships.

Tonight I'm talking about my personal process for letting go, and living in the flow.

Don't miss out! It might just make the difference in your life between extreme heart ache, and just a mild emotional float down the river of life.

Who can view: People who attended the webinar only
Webinar Price: Donation
Webinar ID: 1bd9436385d5
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Amanda Frick webinar platform hosts Just Let Go
Amanda Frick's conferences and webinars
Attended (7)