This is the first of seven days of meditating for the animals. Wynter invites you to take around twenty minutes, each day to allow yourself to spend this time with the animals and Nature: Being, Loving, Transforming, Experiencing- for yourself and for the animals.
Each day focuses on a different theme, each of which is meaningful and transformative, connecting you deeply with the one-ness of all beings, sharing support and love.
You are encouraged to do these meditations each day in sequence, and then after the full seven days, all the meditations will be available for you to experience in whichever order you choose. If you do not already have a daily sacred practice, this can be a start. If you do practice meditation daily, try incorporating these mediations into your sacred practice.
At the end of the meditation, please feel free to comment on this page, sharing your experiences with others and what this means to you.
An Introduction to Heart Energy.
The first step in connecting and communicating with all beings is to experience the energy and the feeling of absolute,unconditional love. In this, the first of the seven days of Meditations for the Animals, Wynter leads you into the heart space. You are guided into consciously sending and receiving the vital energy of unconditional love, through which all connection and communication flows.
Allow yourself this beautiful time to experience the feeling of total love for the unique being that is you, and to experience the uniqueness of you in touch with the natural world again.
Thank you to Safaya Salter for her influence here of the "heart breathing" which she teaches.
Also a big thank you to TriSha Bailey for the editing and music.