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Officer Safety, Wellness, and Leadership in the 21st Century: Tools, Strategies, and Solutions

About This Webinar

Officers need real-time access to the best tools for accelerating leadership and successfully managing the mental and physical consequences of their careers. Attendees will benefit from learning about equipping officers with proactive, preventative, and practical wellness solutions; new research and innovative technology; strategies for improving recruitment, retention, and community relations; and treating trauma while reducing suicide risk. Attendees will also learn about new strategies to help probation and parole professionals identify untapped leadership potential, accelerate leadership development, and close leadership gaps while also addressing recruitment and retention concerns. Officer safety, wellness, and leadership challenges, opportunities, and actionable tools and strategic solutions for the 21st century will be highlighted throughout this dynamic session.

Dr. David Black, CEO of Cordico, will oversee the presentation and provide an opportunity for Q&A at the end.

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Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
CEO of Cordico
Dr. David Black leads a team of professionals dedicated to providing customized, confidential, mobile wellness applications for individuals in high-stress professions. A clinical psychologist by training, Dr. Black was inspired by the heroic sacrifices of first responders on September 11, 2001, to explore how technology can transform behavioral health for as many first responders and their families as possible. In addition to serving on Lexipol’s Board of Directors, Dr. Black serves as Chief Psychologist for the California Police Chiefs Association Wellness Committee and is a founding Board Member of the National Sheriffs’ Association Psychological Services Group, where he also serves as the Chair of Technology and Social Media. He is an Advisory Board Member for the National Police Foundation’s Center for Mass Violence Response Studies, serves on the International Association of Chiefs of Police Psychological Services Ethics Committee and on the National Fraternal Order of Police Officer Wellness Committee and Provider Evaluation Subcommittee, and is an Officer Wellness subject matter expert for the California Commission on POST.
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APPA Webinars webinar platform hosts Officer Safety, Wellness, and Leadership in the 21st Century: Tools, Strategies, and Solutions
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Attended (424)