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The Takeover: Millennials Versus Everybody

About This Webinar

Both probation and parole grow with the culture. Social media, music, movies, family and friends play a huge role in our ever-evolving careers. As the culture changes, so do people’s perception of community supervision. As controversial news involving law enforcement agencies hits the headlines, the relationship between officers and community becomes very fragile. Millennials are becoming fearless – they use social media and technology to create movements to spread awareness. Often this awareness paints a bad perception of what we do as probation officers. Recent studies show that millennials (born between 1980 to 2000) are more likely to be arrested than their predecessors of Generation X (born between 1965 to 1979) and Baby Boomers (born between 1944 to 1964) even though crime has drastically declined since the 1980s. Is it their use of technology, social media or new methods of protest? Is it the economy, gentrification or their lack of conformity to old ways?

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Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: $15.00
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Jude D
Trainer, I AM Jude David
Jude David is a motivational speaker and trainer that brings authenticity, entertainment and education in every presentation he delivers. Growing from humbled beginnings and escaping a neighborhood where violence and poverty was the norm, he devoted his career to public service and did so in a manner that was true to his culture and his identity. Starting his career as a group home manager for at risk youth, he transitioned to the Department of Youth Services as a unit supervisor. Four years later, he moved to the Sheriff’s Department where he was able to complete his Master’s Degree in Public Administration. In 2018, he joined Massachusetts Probation as a probation officer before being promoted into his current role as a Program Manager and one the youngest in the state’s history at this role. He is a self-proclaimed “city kid” that stresses the importance of authenticity and diversity. He is a national speaker who brings popular culture into his speeches with the use of music and entertainment. He is high energy, relatable, edgy and fun to watch.
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