Perfect for: Primary School Head Teachers, Deputy Heads, Business Managers and all office staff in North Yorkshire.

Sign up for your free place and we'll send you the recording once it's finished.

Your local Partnership Manager at Arbor, Charles Freedman-Cowell, will introduce you to our market-leading MIS and explain how you can switch from your current MIS.

Charles will also be joined by a representative from NYES who'll talk through the support NYES will provide throughout your MIS journey.

On this webinar, Charles will cover:
- How you can access your key reports in seconds, and schedule them to run daily, weekly, or termly
- Manage meal registers, clubs, trips, payments and comms all in one place
- Keep track of staff absences, appraisals and objectives through staff profiles
- Track progress the way you want to with Formative and Summative assessments
- Enhance pupil outcomes with interventions
- Quickly and easily report to parents with our built-in templates

We'll also discuss migration and implementation timelines, as well as explain your next steps so you're fully prepared to move to Arbor.
Tuesday, 08/10/2024 · 11:00 a.m. London (GMT +1:00)
Arbor Education
Charles Freedman-Cowell
Partnership Manager
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