Perfect for: Primary School Head Teachers, Deputy Heads, Business Managers and Admin staff.
Watch a 45 minute demo led by Charles Freedman-Cowell, Partnership Manager at Arbor and discover how Arbor can replace your current MIS.
In 45 minutes, you’ll see the core areas of Arbor for primary schools, including how it helps you:
- Build a single picture of your pupils with data rich student profiles, and all your favourite apps under one roof (like CPOMS, Hodder and Inventry)
- Communicate with your school community at scale and speed with bulk actions via the Arbor App, built-in SMS and email
- Give your staff access to the right data at the right time through our built-in live dashboards and custom report builder
- Future-proof your school with exciting tools like Ask Arbor, our AI tool that can save you hours of time on daily admin
You’ll also get a concise overview of how we use our experience of migrating over 6,000 primary schools to Arbor to make your move seamless and stress-free.