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About This Webinar

Developing a new gene therapy is rewarding but there are unique challenges ahead. Lack of process templates, scale-up challenges and evolving regulatory guidelines can slow your progress.
We're here to help. With 30+ years of gene therapy experience we bring expertise in viral vector manufacturing and testing as well as a global organization to integrate regulatory, safety, and process development to fit your needs.

Draw on our experience to help overcome your challenges and speed your therapy to patients.

Language: English
Who can attend? Everyone
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Senior Product Manager
Viral Gene Therapy product management professional and innovator. Pursuing the industrialization of gene therapy manufacturing to meet the needs of broader patient populations at lower cost. Managing platform production technologies and templated processes.
Webinar hosting presenter
Key Acct. Mgr.
Webinar hosting presenter
Associate Director
Cell and Gene therapy BioProcessing
Webinar hosting presenter
Product Manager for MilliporeSigma's BioReliance® Viral Vector Manufacturing facility in Carlsbad, California.
Hosted By
ASGCT 23rd Annual Meeting  webinar platform hosts MilliporeSigma – Draw on our Experience
The full session archive, available exclusively for attendees of the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy's 23rd Annual Meeting, May 12-15, 2020.
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