Versatile gold plating solutions for Ni/Au, Ni/Pd/Au and Pd/Au plating
About This Webinar
Mixed reaction gold electrolytes with high autocatalytic portions are gaining more and more market acceptance. Already in 2010, Atotech introduced the first gold electrolyte with autocatalytic properties Aurotech® G-Bond for ENEPIG applications. With Aurotech® G-Bond 2, the next level is reached: a versatile gold electrolyte for plating of ENIG, ENEPIG and EPAG layers fulfilling the latest demands for corrosion-free ENIG finishes, high gold thickness requirements and low thickness distribution plating.
In this webinar, the capabilities of Aurotech® G-Bond 2 will be introduced and representative performance data for different finish types will be presented. Besides that also an outlook on the latest development Aurotech® G-Bond 3 will be given.
Our solution: Aurotech® G-Bond 2
Outlook: Aurotech® G-Bond 3
Q&A session
Dr. Britta Schafsteller
Global Product Manager Selective Finishing Technology
Educated in Chemistry and joined Atotech in 2004 as R&D chemist in the field of final finishing. After 11 years as R&D manager for selective finishing moved to the position of the Global Product Manager in April 2019.