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· 45 minutes

Preconception and Beyond: How to Have a Neurodevelopmentally Robust Baby

Thursday, May 21, 2020 · 8:30 p.m. · London
About This Webinar

A talk by Marcia Schaefer BS, DC. We want a world for our children that they will thrive in. A world they can add to, be involved with, and give strength to. Mentally strong kids are prepared for the challenges of the world. They're able to tackle problems, bounce back from failure, and cope with hardships. To be clear, mental strength isn't about acting tough or suppressing emotions. It's also not about being unkind or acting defiant. Instead, mentally strong kids are resilient, and they have the courage and confidence to reach their full potential. Helping create kids who are neurodevelopmentally robust starts prior to pregnancy. It starts as soon as you think you want to bring a child into the world. We know our earliest experiences influence who we become - but how deep do these changes go? How might a nurturing or toxic social environment actually become part of our biology? And what are the implications for our public priorities? Fetal and early child environments literally become part of us. Experiences can leave chemical marks - called the epigenome - on our DNA, especially during the early years. These epigenetic marks act like a dimmer switch or volume control, expressing this gene or not expressing that one, making them shout or whisper. In so doing, they change the way our brains and bodies function - with enduring consequences for behaviors and mental and physical health.

How do we create a healthy, vibrant child? That will be discussed at this empowering and powerful talk.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Hosted By
AutismOne Virtual Summit webinar platform hosts Preconception and Beyond: How to Have a Neurodevelopmentally Robust Baby
AutismOne Virtual Summit Talks and Expert Sessions
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