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Dr. Laura Hernandez of University of Wisconsin presents, "The Role of the Mammary Gland in Governing Calcium Metabolism"
Professor, Animal and Dairy Sciences
I am currently focused on investigating novel pathways that regulate the transition from pregnancy to lactation and from lactation to involution in the mammary gland. Specifically, I am interested in elucidating novel pathways involved in calcium homeostasis at the onset of lactation in dairy cattle. Currently we are working with a locally synthesized molecule that is involved in the mobilization of calcium from bone during the transition period. Our goal is to manipulate this molecule in such a way that we can prevent milk fever in dairy cattle.

Additionally, I'm interested in how the mammary gland adapts during the transition period in order to be efficient at producing milk without having adverse effects on the health of the animals. We are also interested in how the mammary undergoes the involution process and how this can be accelerated and done more effectively in the dairy animal in order to prevent exposure to pathogens during the dry off stage.

Specialties: Cell culture, molecular biological techniques, animal models (cattle, genetically modified mice, rats)
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