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Dr. Stephen LeBlanc with University of Guelph presents, "What's long enough or too long? Are extended lactations and cow longevity desirable goals?"
Professor, University of Guelph
Stephen LeBlanc is a professor in the Department of Population Medicine at the University of Guelph and director of Dairy at Guelph – The Centre for Dairy Research and Innovation. He received a BSc(Agr) in Animal Science from McGill University in 1992, and a DVM (in 1997) and DVSc (in 2001) from the University of Guelph. His research focuses on dairy cow metabolic and reproductive health and management, precision technologies, and antimicrobial stewardship. With graduate students and collaborators, this work has resulted in 200 peer-reviewed papers and invited talks in 20 countries. He is a senior editor for the Journal of Dairy Science and serves as a member of Board of Directors of the American Dairy Science Association.
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