Jim Paulsen
Paulsen has been an investment industry professional since 1983, most recently as Chief Investment Strategist at the Leuthold Group between 2017 to 2022. Prior to that he was the Chief Investment Strategist at Wells Capital Management – the institutional asset management arm of Well Fargo -- where he worked for 20 years. Jim was the senior managing director and Chief Investment Strategist for Investors Management Group in Des Moines, Iowa and also served as president of SCI Capital Management in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. For more than 40 years, Jim has published commentary assessing economic and market trends. He retired at the end of 2022 but has continued writing regularly at PaulsenPerspectives.Substack.com. He is nationally recognized for his views on the economy, frequently appears on CNBC, Fox Business and Bloomberg TV, and is invited to speaking engagements across the country. He has been named a top economic forecaster by Business Week, and Money Magazine called his newsletter one of “101 Things Every Investor Should Know.” Jim earned a Bachelor degree and Doctoral degree in Economics from Iowa State University.