Join us for an insightful fireside chat with Prerna Dhawan, Chief Product Officer at Beroe, as she explores the transformative power of actionable intelligence in procurement and supply chain management.
  • How can actionable intelligence transform procurement and supply chain management?
  • What insights can Prerna Dhawan share on leveraging data for strategic decision-making in procurement?
  • How does Beroe utilize intelligence to drive efficiency and value in supply chain operations?
Neil Perry
Moderator - Group Content Director at BizClik
Prerna Dhawan
Chief Product Officer at Beroe
Prerna Dhawan is the Chief Product Officer at Beroe Inc, a leader in procurement intelligence and analytics. With over 17 years of industry experience, Prerna spearheads the development and execution of Beroe’s product and solutions strategy across all verticals and regions. Her role involves driving innovation and enhancing the Beroe LiVE.ai platform, ensuring it remains ahead of competitive offerings. Known for her strategic vision and expertise in procurement technology, digital transformation, and product management, Prerna excels in creating propositions that drive profitable growth. She is committed to helping procurement organizations harness intelligence and analytics as key value drivers, and consistently delivering exceptional value for Beroe’s global customer base.
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