Join us for an insightful webinar as we delve into how Belden conducted a complete network redesign and hardware transformation at one of its largest industrial plants to improve visibility and efficiency on the plant floor. Learn how advanced data analytics and connectivity solutions were leveraged to unlock valuable insights, streamline operations, and drive significant productivity improvements. Gain practical insights and strategies that you can apply to your own organization to unlock the full potential of digital transformation at your facility.
Mike Fisher
Sr. Solution Architecture Manager
Mike Fisher has been deploying, supporting, and decommissioning automated industrial systems for nearly 20 years. With an honor's degree in Manufacturing Engineering and post-graduate degree in Environmental Applications, he has touched on almost every major industrial segment from automotive to mass-transit, & material handling to waste-treatment, plus many things in between. Now specializing in a collaborative, solution-based approach to machine-to-machine and machine-to-business communications, he leads the Belden Solution Architecture team and Customer Innovation Center Validation Labs in the Americas & EMEA.
Ryan Buckner
IT Infrastructure Analyst
Ryan Buckner is an IT Infrastructure Analyst with a degree in Computer Technology from Ball State. With over five years of experience in networking systems, he embarked on his professional journey with Belden in 2021. Ryan possesses extensive experience in networking, ranging from routing and switching to intricate security designs and implementations. In addition, he plays a pivotal role in recruiting top IT talent for Belden.
Arnaud Raymond
Engineering and Manufacturing Manager
Arnaud Raymond is a seasoned professional with a strong background in engineering and operations, specializing in B2B technology solutions. As an Engineering and Manufacturing Manager, Arnaud plays a key role in helping Belden’s manufacturing facilities improve operational performance and implement lean processes. With over 15 years of experience, he has a proven track record of driving digital transformation in the manufacturing sector.
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