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The threat of ransomware is higher than ever before.

Protecting precious data is at the forefront of any cyber industry, ransomware attacks threaten to steal data, cease operations and collapses the infrastructure of the entire company. So what can you do to prevent from this?

In this webinar Clay Kirkland from Specops and moderator Scott Birch from Cyber Magazine will walk through what it’s like to experience a ransomware attack, how they occur, and what you can do to prevent future ransomware attacks.
  • Why ransomware attacks are so prevalent
  • How ransomware penetrates a security system
  • What you can do to prevent ransomware attacks
Product Specialist at Specops Software, Inc.
With more than 14 years in IT, Clay has a breadth of experience as a solutions architect, engineer, and now product specialist at Specops Software. He has worked in many industries for organizations solving IT's most pressing, and recurring, questions. Clay specializes in protecting data privacy, Active Directory infrastructures, Azure AD, and Group Policy.
Chief Content Officer at BizClik Media Group
Scott is a creative media professional with 25 years of diverse international experience in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. He has edited daily, weekly, monthly and annual print titles, ranging from daily newspapers to glossy celebrity magazines, niche B2B magazines and luxury lifestyle publications. An early adopter of digital – creating web content since 1996 – he has also created digital app magazines, smartphone apps and overseen online strategy and social strategy. He has also worked in television, both behind and in front of the camera, and in public relations roles providing creative content and reputation management.