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The threat of ransomware is rising. It has been publicized that cyber security incidents have seen critical operations within the energy sector to be restricted and in some cases stopped completely.

In our research, ransomware accounted for more than 50% of the malware found on industrial endpoints, so what can we do to effectively prevent and respond with limited resources?

It is necessary to understand the big picture of ransomware and the vulnerabilities of critical operations depending on IT and OT, and then evaluate the risk.

Based on our research, this webinar will explain the background of ransomware attacks and reveal potential vulnerabilities in industrial control systems. We will introduce the principles and practices of ransomware prevention and response that asset owners of industrial control systems should consider.

This Webinar is sponsored by Trend Micro. Trend Micro's use of your information will be governed by their privacy policy (
  • What's behind ransomware attacks?
  • Overlooked risks due to interdependency between IT and OT
  • Principles and practices to defend against ransomware
Vice President, Infrastructure Strategies at Trend Micro
Bill helps clients achieve an effective information security posture spanning endpoints, networks, servers, cloud, and the Internet of Things. This process involves technology, policy, organizational design, and procedures and influences the product life cycle from acquisition or development through deployment, operations, maintenance, and replacement, or retirement. Starting as an application developer, Bill moved to OS development at IBM in Poughkeepsie and joined Gartner in 1990 where he ran the Information Security Strategies and Application Integration and Middleware services. He served as CTO of Waveset, an Identity Management provider, prior to its acquisition by Sun.
Chief Content Officer at BizClik Media Group
Creative media professional with 25 years of diverse international experience in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. I have edited daily, weekly, monthly and annual print titles, ranging from daily newspapers to glossy celebrity magazines, niche B2B magazines and luxury lifestyle publications. An early adopter of digital – creating web content since 1996 – I have also created digital app magazines, smartphone apps and overseen online strategy and social strategy. I have also worked in television, both behind and in front of the camera, and in public relations roles providing creative content and reputation management.