On the 28 February 2021, a new amendment to Annex 9 - Amendment 28 contains new standards and recommended practises in relation to Passenger Name Record (PNR) and makes it mandatory for states to implement PNR.
“The exchange of PNR data helps to prevent the flight of foreign terrorist fighters while enhancing the efficiency and convenience of the travel experience of legitimate travellers,” noted the President of the ICAO Council, Mr. Salvatore Sciacchitano. “The adoption of Amendment 28 to Annex 9 – Facilitation by the Council provides not only pivotal technical guidance, but also an important legal mechanism to support the exchange of this data by States.”
Despite the restrictions on movement caused by the COVID-19, Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTF’s) returning to their countries of origin or other target nations remains a high threat, and will only increase again as travel restrictions are eased.
This webinar will discuss how important and how successful the use of Advanced Passenger Information (API) and Passenger Name Record (PNR) data for the purpose of countering, detecting and investigating FTF’s, terrorism and international organised crime has been.
How successful have ICAO member countries have been in developing the capability to collect, process, analyse and share this data?
What can be done to assist member states in the collection, analysis and sharing of this data?