This webinar will provide insights to coffee exporters & processors on the recent trends and benefits associated with modern optical sorting equipment.
Learn more about how to:
- Reduce overall yield loss and maximize profits
- Match specified quality requirements as close as possible with the SORTEX J SpectraVision
- Operate the SORTEX J SpectraVision with limited technical sorting knowledge and benefit from its ease of use
- Justify the investment with a compelling business case
- Use real-time process insights and alerts to streamline your business
And that’s not all.
Meet the experts and watch a sorting demonstration of the SORTEX J SpectraVision, the future of coffee sorting.
As an active player in the optical sorting industry, for over 70 years our aim has been to help processors succeed in the nut market. Our optical sorting solutions have been developed to enable you to meet the most stringent food safety requirements and achieve the purest quality of products for your customers.