Celebrating Campus Sustainability Month with a Panel of Change Makers
How can your campus make an impact on climate change? There are so many different approaches to improving sustainability on university campuses and expanding that impact to surrounding communities - from getting students involved, to offsetting your impact, to implementing the power of analytics, our panel of change makers bring actionable tips to the table for your team to implement at your institution.
Join Allison Paradise, Founder of My Green Lab, Tani Colbert-Sangree, Program Coordinator for Duke's Carbon Offsets Initiative, and Brice Kosnik, CEO of BuildPulse, to learn about their different approaches to making college campuses as low impact on the environment as possible, including:
- How to reducing water, waste, and energy consumption in your lab spaces
- How to use carbon offsets responsibly and effectively
- Why preventative maintenance is a core competency for facility teams pursuing sustainability