Have you been thinking about what is next for you and how you leverage your experience and dreams to create the next amazing opportunity for yourself? Or are you looking for ways to engage your team members in how to determine what might be a next step for them? Join us for a virtual hand-on workshop to create an equation that makes you unique to translate into the next chapter in your book of life.
You will receive a handout prior to the session that will drive the conversation. You do not need to complete it in advance, but if you have the opportunity to print it out before the meeting and have available during the virtual session or a notebook that would be helpful.
1 hour
Dial-in Number
Please register for this Webinar to view the dial-in info.
For me, it’s always been about aligning organizational growth with the development of its people. Giving people the tools needed to take their careers to the next level while filling the leadership pipeline is the ultimate reward. I’ve been...
Achieve virtual event mastery through Virtual Events Pro, a brand of Kelbree Consulting, a premier virtual event marketing company. We help professional development and training companies host innovative virtual events that consistently turn more registrants into clients!