Which of the following is likely exempt under the CA Computer Professional Exemption:
1. Employee who spends more than 50% of their time designing and writing code.
2. Employee who spends over 50% of their time coding to spec and following detailed specifications provided by others.
3. Employee who maintains the company's MS Exchange Server and Active Directory.
4. Employee who installs, maintains, and configures company computers, routers, switches, servers, desktops and handheld devices.
5. Employee who configures and maintains existing computer software.
If you answered anything but #1, this is an opportunity to learn more about this commonly misclassified class.
Please join the Business & People Strategy Consulting Group for Part 5 of its California Professional Exemption Series where we will review the requirements for classifying computer related professionals as exempt (not entitled to overtime).
We will review California's requirements related to what constitutes exempt duties, what distinguishes this exemption from IT and hardware professionals, and minimum salary requirements.