Using the process that has produced 8 non-fiction books and many more coming, Belinda will speak about outlining the book, putting this skeleton into the computer, setting and keeping writing goals with discipline and accountability, using the Pomodoro method, and building a launch team for your book. Also addressed will be how to use why you are writing the book to begin again when you have times of discouragement.
Belinda Terro Mooney
Belinda Terro Mooney is a mom, author, coach, speaker, and Secular Carmelite who strives to know God so as to make Him known. She has authored eight published books ranging from the Saints, Catholic History, Petry reflection journals, mental illness and addictions to mental health and wellness (including the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes). As a PCCI trained coach working towards ICF certification, Belinda loves to coach Catholic non-fiction authors to help get their books published.
Melissa Knoblett-Aman
Karina Fabian
Allison Gingras
Allison Gingras is a Catholic social media consultant and the host and creator of the podcast A Seeking Heart. Gingras developed and acquired six volumes in the Stay Connected Journals for Women series and wrote two—The Gift of Invitation and Seeking Peace. She is a contributor to a number of books, including The Ave Prayer Book for Catholic Mothers, Called by Name, and The Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion. Gingras has been featured on a variety of Catholic television and radio programs and podcasts. She is a regular contributor to LPI,,, Family Rosary, WINE, Amazing Catechists, and CatholicSistas. Gingras is the cohost of the Catholic MomCast.