Sponsored by BCI Global
To benefit from the fast-growing battery markets requires establishing or expanding production facilities in North America and/or Europe. But how do you set up a transparent location selection process? What about supply of materials, energy security and energy costs? How do you assess the labor availability (both in the mid-term and long-term) of candidate locations? How to compare the strengths of the ‘renewables’ ecosystem in different locations/countries? How do you include financial, political and natural disaster risks in your location considerations? And last, but not least, how do you deal with governments and pertinent authorities regarding incentives, grants and taxes (for example US: IRA; Europe: IPCEI).
BCI Global is a specialized site selection and location consulting firm that has supported companies for 38 years now with a fact-based location decision process in all regions of the world. BCI Global has a strong track record in the batteries, automotive, energy, chemicals and materials industries. BCI is recognized by Forbes magazine as one of the World’s Best Management Consulting Firms, and the only one on this list of 200 firms specialized in supply chain and location advice.
Learning Objectives:
• Adopting a proven framework for finding the best location for new operations, taking all relevant cost, quality of the business environment and risk factors into account
• Understanding the complexity of location decisions for a new production plant in the US or Europe
• Learning how benefitting from economic incentives works
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