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Sponsored by ClinEco and SCOPE Summit

In February 2023, the UK government commissioned an independent review to offer recommendations on how to resolve key challenges in conducting commercial clinical trials in the UK and transform the UK commercial clinical trial environment [see below]. The review sets out recommendations and longer-term ambitions for UK commercial clinical trials. In this live fireside chat with Lord James O’Shaughnessy, Alexandra Charge, and Micah Lieberman, we will discuss the state of play of clinical trials in the UK and Europe which have an impact on patients and HCPs getting access to innovative treatment exposure and experience – not just the financial impact to the medical/UK economy.

Join us for a discussion about this groundbreaking report and what it means for the biopharma industry, CROs, clinical trial technology companies, and Sites in the UK, in Europe and beyond.

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When: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 · 11:00 a.m. · Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Duration: 45 minutes
Language: English
Who can attend? Everyone
Webinar ID: 49fa470c5ca5
Dial-in available? (listen only): No
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Senior Partner at Newmarket Strategy; Member of UK House of Lords; Author, UK Review of Commercial Clinical Trials
James is one of the UK's leading policy advisors. He has operated at the highest levels of government, including as a Minister at the Department for Health & Social Care, as Director of the No.10 Policy Unit, and as an advisor to DHSC Ministers during the COVID-19 crisis. James is driven by the twin passions of bringing life-changing health innovations to patients and growing the UK’s life science & healthtech industries. As Minister his responsibilities included implementing the Life Science Industrial Strategy, delivering a new pricing scheme with the pharmaceutical industry, chairing the National Genomics Board, and driving the digital transformation of the NHS. He was also responsible for preparing the health and social care sectors for Brexit and helping to design the post-Brexit regulatory regime. James provides senior counsel to multinationals, SMEs, investors, universities and charities across health and life sciences, with a particular focus on technology, digital and data. He is also a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Global Health Innovation where he chairs the Data, Health & Wealth programme. Outside of health, James chairs the Repairing our Social Fabric programme at the think tank Onward, is a Member of the House of Lords, and has a keen interest in education reform.
Webinar hosting presenter
Head of Pharma and Healthcare Business Unit, Windmill Digital; CEO, Nilaya Wellbeing Ltd.; Contributor, Decentralized Trials & Research Alliance (DTRA)
Alex is a life sciences and healthcare executive with over 25 years transforming clinical trials through data, digital and patient-focused innovation, for diverse, inclusive and accelerated access to new medicines for patients. She is currently the Head of the Pharma and Healthcare Business Unit at Windmill Digital, the Chief Executive Officer at Nilaya Wellbeing Ltd, and a contributor to Decentralized Trials & Research Alliance (DTRA). She has held senior positions at global pharmaceutical sponsor organizations and CROs including AstraZeneca, Roche, IQVIA, Citeline, and GSK.
Webinar hosting presenter
Co-Founder, VP, Community and Business Development, ClinEco
Micah has 20 years of experience in the biopharma industry. He is an Executive Director at Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI) where he is a producer, content developer, and facilitator of the Summit for Clinical Ops Executives (SCOPE), the leading event in the US and Europe for biopharmaceutical industry executives focused on driving innovation in clinical trials and digital health. On a daily basis, he builds a broad community of clinical research stakeholders and industry thought leaders, performs market research, and ascertains ever-changing industry trends in clinical trial optimization, clinical innovation, patient recruitment, digital health, drug development, clinical trial technology, and population health. He is also the Co-founder and Vice President of Community and Business Development of ClinEco. ClinEco unites sponsors, CROs, service providers, and sites on the world's first B2B global clinical trial marketplace so each can expand clinical partnerships. SCOPE and ClinEco are owned by Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI). Please join our SCOPE and ClinEco communities! https://clineco.io/; www.SCOPEsummit.com; www.SCOPEsummiteurope.com