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Atlassian at Scale: Cloud vs. Server vs. Data Center

Friday, May 5, 2017 · 4:00 p.m. · Edinburgh
About This Webinar

You've got the right tools to empower teamwork, but how do you guarantee high availability and performance at scale? This webinar aims to bring clarity and a good understanding of the platform offerings from industry-leading Atlassian.

As your business grows, you need to be sure your systems and supporting software grows with you, and this is where Atlassian's different deployment options come in. Join Mark on this webinar to explore just what Data Center is, and answer the question: should I stick with server or is it the cloud I should be looking up to?

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: a7e5b7e3f13b
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Mark Roke
Technical Product Manager at Clearvision
Mark is a committed and highly focused product manager with drive, enthusiasm and a passion for success. Comfortable in straddling the crossroads of business and technology as well as the changing needs of the tactical and strategic aspects of any business or project.
Hosted By
Clearvision webinar platform hosts Atlassian at Scale: Cloud vs. Server vs. Data Center
Clearvision is an innovative software services company and Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner. Clearvision has been servicing enterprises globally since 2005.
Attended (14)