Together, let's imagine the cleaner and more responsible catamarans of tomorrow.
Together, let's try and answer these questions and talk about these different subjects that are so important to us.
  • The development axes and innovations already being implemented at Excess that aim to limit our impact on the environment
  • Exchange and questions on the subject
  • 1674742322-9be402fcb34b66d1
    Hervé Piveteau
    Excess Product Manager
  • 1674750631-80016bf217ab27a8
    Valentin Moreau
    Product Manager
  • 1674742398-8698ab5c499860cb
    Bruno Belmont
    Catamaran Expert
  • 1674750497-aa3ecf1f1d343f95
    Erwan Faoucher
    Expertise and Innovation Director
  • 1674742586-40713dedc6121738
    Camille Pinel
    Operational Marketing Manager
  • 1674750667-656efd6e8aef3677
    Claire Guiraud
    Communication Project Manager