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Algebra 1 - Homeschool Homework Help - Session 1

About This Webinar

Algebra 1 Homeschool Homework Help (HHH) is free and open to all homeschoolers.

Bring your questions, upload your problems, get explanations for things that are confusing! We will work through as many problems as we can during the time allotted. This event is sponsored by Coconut Math and is completely free, so feel free to invite friends as well.

Who can view: People who attended or registered for the webinar only
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: 80f1594fa24a
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Jeff Watts
Founder, Coconut Math
Jeff Watts has homeschooled his kids in 33 different countries. He has stood next to the Great Sphinx, tobogganed down the side of the Great Wall of China, officiated a cherry-spitting contest on Mount Olympus, told the story of Theseus and the Minotaur while standing on Poseidon's temple, seen all the oceans and 6 continents, ridden a train across 7 time zones in 7 days through Siberia in the winter, walked across an international border in central Africa carrying everything he owned on his back, founded 2 successful companies, won state championships in math, been named an all-state football player, has a degree in Computer Engineering, and graduated with 8 hours of Latin credit on his college transcript despite never having taken a class or knowing any Latin whatsoever. All of his kids are above average. All of his kids think his jokes are below average, but they are wrong. If he could eat his way out of the food item of his choice, he would choose cornbread stuffing. His favorite thing is teaching math. He founded Coconut Math, a math tutoring company for teens and pre-teens and he teaches online math classes to homeschool kids. When he's not teaching math, he is trying to convince his immediate family that it would be a good idea to drive from Texas to South America. He stands, sings, and tears up at the National Anthem because he is proud to be an American, and he knows virtually nothing about auto mechanics.
Hosted By
Coconut Math webinar platform hosts Algebra 1 - Homeschool Homework Help - Session 1
Coconut Math Classes and Homework Help
Attended (8)