Tema Central
Friday, July 9, 2021 · 9:30 AM WEST
De Sapiens a Digital e até onde?
Desde a nossa versão nómada, foram muitas as revoluções que atravessámos: a revolução agrícola que nos encaminhou para a sedentarização, a revolução industrial que nos permitiu ampliar de forma significa...
Wednesday, November 25, 2020 · 9:00 AM WETNEW LEADERS, NEW WORKERS, NEW LIFE
2020 was unexpected, marked by a global pandemic, world economies in free fall, escalating unemployment and the Black Lives Matter movement (resulting from the killing of George Floyd). In a world where we seek ... -
Wednesday, October 7, 2020 · 9:10 AM WESTAND NOW, IN WHAT CAN WE TRUST?
Gathering live Leadership Summit at Casino Estoril, Portugal, with exclusive online speakers and content.
The Leadership Summit Portugal aspires to be a world-class event, where differen...