Have you struggled with removing metals from your wastewater stream? Hubbard-Hall will look at the top five ways to remove chrome, nickel, copper, zinc and cadmium from metal finishing wastewater.

Hydroxide versus sulfide? Metal precipitants and how to use them?

Hubbard-Hall will cover it all.

Presented by:

Hubbard-Hall: Better chemistry. Better business. logo
  • Hydroxide versus sulfide precipitation
  • Metal precipitants: how and when to use them
  • Coagulants for specific metals
  • Flocculants: the differences in them, their makeup and their use
  • Mechanical treatment, such as membrane filtration, electrocoagulation and ion exchange
Robin Deal
Product Leader, Aquapure
Robin Deal has been with Hubbard-Hall for 8 years as a field service engineer, specializing in industrial wastewater treatment. Prior to that, she worked for a major industry as a wastewater operator, holding a physical/chemical wastewater license in the state of North Carolina. She has also completed the wastewater treatment plant operations specialist certificate program at Sacramento State University. Robin continues her education in wastewater treatment with the goal of holding a degree in environmental management. She currently spends her time in the field educating customers while helping them meet their wastewater permit requirements. In the lab she works toward finding efficient ways for customers to transform their wastewater treatment processes to a lean wastewater treatment process.
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