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The Best Piano Teacher in Town - Teaching Preschoolers.

About This Webinar

In this webinar, you will learn how to use your expertise to teach preschool piano students. Topics will include; what to focus on when teaching preschool students, how to set up your studio for preschoolers, and how to make your own hands-on activities for preschool piano students.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Doreen Hall
Creator of Paloma Piano
Over 30 years of piano teaching experience.
Certified Pre-K teacher
Author of "The Happiest Piano Teacher in Town"
"The Ultimate Preschool Piano Activities Book"
Hosted By
Paloma Piano webinar platform hosts The Best Piano Teacher in Town - Teaching Preschoolers.
Paloma Piano - Quality Music and Resources for Piano Teachers
Attended (45)